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Thursday, November 27, 2008

PostHeaderIcon Understand the Terms and Understand Jet Charter

Jet charter is not only one of the costlier options for any commercial organization it is also highly technical in nature. You may often be caught in the wrong foot if you do not have the basic idea about the terminologies that are frequently used or even used at regular intervals in any transaction that is carried out locally. This principle is also applicable in case of public and private jet charter. A little understanding about the terms that are frequently used in jet charter business could work wonders for you on the business dealing front.

Common jet charter terms –

Though there are hundreds of special terms that are used in the public and private jet charter business there are certain terms that are common to all. The most common among them are –

• Airway distance - this means the actual distance that the aircraft has covered between the source and destination points. The deviations that are necessitated by the traffic control are deducted.

• ARO – it refers to the Airport Reservation Office. The office determines the landing as well as the take off reservations fro all unscheduled aircrafts that flow in and out of the airports.

• Block rates – it is the reduced rate for contract in order to schedule the major portion of charter time well in advance of the due date as per the agreement arranged beforehand.

• Broker margin – It is the differential amount arrived at by deducting the flight charges of the operator from the charges of the broker.

• Certification – is the licenses issued by FFA to aircrafts permitting them to carry passenger. It gives you 135 licenses in order to carry passengers on hire.

Charter broker and charter operator -

An individual or a company that buys charter at the wholesale market and resells them at the retail market is called the charter broker. The specific responsibilities of the broker are –

• To make payments to the provider of the charter at both wholesales and the retail.

• Broker is the person responsible for payment to the charter provider.

• The broker will also assess the user fees and taxes to be paid.

• He will ensure the safety and satisfaction of the customer.

Sometimes the charter operator can also act as your broker. The chartered operator acts as broker to give supplementary lift to the customer. The charter operator is an individual or company holding aircraft charter certificates. Like brokers they also provide charter services to retail and wholesale customers.

Commuter operator and corporate operator –

Regional and scheduled airlines are normally captioned as commuter operator. It is absolutely necessary for you to have adequate fleet of aircrafts to cater to the needs of the requisitioning customers. However it may not be possible for all commuter airlines to go in a big way for charter because of shortage of aircraft and also non availability of crew to navigate it.

Corporate operator is one that is basically the flight department of a company. The department should possess a part 135 certificate making it eligible to carry passengers for charges.

All types of operators however make the D-085 or page 85 of section D is their bible since it is their operations manual that is federally mandated.

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